I am thankful to live in an area where I can walk without the congestion of people or traffic. It's a residential area on the edge of the city. A neighbor lady named Beauty (pictured below) often joins me. She was a student in my first Dialogue English Class. She loves the way she has felt so much more energy since starting to walk.
Last week I decided to leave the paved roads and explore the dirt path that I had seen many mornings at the far corner of our Padma housing area.
Now that the season has changed and the mornings are cool, a thick mist rises each morning form the warm ground. It's such a beautiful, peaceful time!
I thought most of the world was still asleep until I came to a little settlement buzzing with activity:
Parents and children have been working together--- busily filling 'bostas'--big bags---with recyclables that they have collected from homes or garbage piles. I am constantly in awe of the way NOTHING gets wasted here...it's all reused, recycled.
Even the cow manure, but I'll save that for another post.
Love the great pictures, Jan, of your walking paths and friends along the path. I bet you are very happy with the way things are cooling down and for that morning mist.